Server Hosting
Server hosting gives you an entire server, just for you and your technical needs. Your team will have full control over your server including choosing operating system and specifications. 24/7, 365 days a year.
Using a hosting service offers the benefits of high performance, security, email stability, and control of your system at any time and anywhere.
With the increasing reliability of business and home broadband connections it is now viable to consider hosting some or all of your organization’s server based applications offsite in a secure and reliable environment. The advantages of Server Hosting are paramount and include improvements in costs, security and reliability.

LONZE com host some or all of your applications on our servers. We will securely back up all your data and remove the need to worry about viruses and other security problems. Peace of mind at any time.
You can choose to host some or all of your applications, even to the extent where you remove the need for an office environment entirely. Smaller organizations can choose to work from remote locations, managing there business by ‘phone, email, messaging and web forums.

Let us worry about the cost and effort of acquiring and maintaining hardware while you reduce your operating expenses and your capital expenses. Using us for secure server hosting benefits you in many ways:
avoid huge cost of buying, storing and managing servers in-house.
avoid high cost of refreshing aging systems.
assure a 99% or better uptime and support that finds and corrects problems before interrupting your business operation.
security of auto backups (Both, onsite and offsite) to ensure redundant data protection.
Be confident that your IT operations and security are monitored 24/7.
For more information, send us an e-mail to: info@lcom.com.au
Or call 1800 805 101